ISO Certification for Government Contracts
More points. More contracts. We make it simple.

Get Certified Fast for SEWP VI, Alliant 3, and Other Government Contracts
We specialize in helping small businesses achieve ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000-1, CMMI, and NIST/CMMC Certifications fast for government contracts. Don’t miss out on winning that RFP. We can help. We assist hundreds of customers each year in meeting contract requirements. Whether you are an engineering firm, staffing firm, or IT services, we understand your business. We provide online remote consulting or onsite, whatever you prefer.
How can I get Government Contracts?
The best way to start trying to get government contracts is to set your business up to be qualified to get government contracts. At a minimum, your organization needs to be ISO 9001 certified. You may need other certifications depending on what branch of the government you are trying to do business with and whether you are selling services or products.
Does the Government Require ISO Certification?
Government program managers and contracting officers are now requiring ISO certifications to be eligible to bid on service contracts. These agencies must trust that the organization they are doing business with maintains quality processes. Certifications help these Government organizations to feel more secure about doing business with you.
The level of quality standard and type your company will be required to meet will depend on the products or services being delivered. The quality standard will be specified in the contract between the government entity and your company.
Certifications are the best way to confirm to the government that you will provide a quality product or service. Your certification program should provide a systematic approach for evaluation, inspection, testing, calibration, or what is needed specific to your type of business. Having a quality system also involves ongoing monitoring and documentation of the processes kept in a secure location. Your leadership team and key employees need to be involved as well.
What is the Points-Based System in Government Contracting?
The Points-Based System in government contracting is when an organization or company is bidding on a government contract, and they are assessed and given points based on past performance, quality level, and capabilities.
This type of evaluation is used as a risk mitigator to help in the selection of organizations that possess the experience, maturity, and financial structure to meet the needs of the contract.
Earn Points, Quick and Simple
Competing for GWACs and other government contract vehicles? Core gives you an advantage over the competition.
We’ve worked with hundreds of small businesses to achieve certifications and earn points toward government contract vehicles such as GSA Oasis, Oasis+, SEWP 6, Pacts III, Polaris, 8(a) STARS III, Alliant 2, and more. Our full-service approach gets the job done fast.
With Core, you can bundle multiple certifications into a single, integrated process. You receive our years of experience working alongside small businesses to earn points and win RFPs.
Let us handle certification so you can start winning contracts.
Why do I need Certifications for Government Contracting?
There is a premium placed on certifications centered around quality like ISO 9001, ISO 27001, CMMI, and ISO 20000-1. The Army, the VA, and NASA often require ISO quality certifications to qualify to bid on one of their task orders.
ISO 9001 Certification for Government Contracting
Achieving ISO 9001:2015 certification means that an organization has established an acceptable, credible level of quality by following the guidelines of the ISO 9001 standard, maintaining documentation, meeting customer requirements, regulatory and statutory requirements and fulfills its own requirements.
What is ISO 27001 Certification?
As a regular course of most businesses, organizations acquire, process, and sometimes store a lot of information about employees, customers, and suppliers. Companies do not always keep this information protected risking reputational damage, financial losses, and sometimes even prosecution.
Published in 2013, in response to the increasing breach and exploitation of sensitive data, the International Standard Organization (ISO) created an extensive set of guidelines and named them, ISO 27001.
These standards are helpful to all businesses who wish to organize, monitor, maintain, and implement ongoing information security management systems.
What is ISO 20000-1 Certification?
ISO 20000-1 is part 1 of 5 standards of ISO 20000 and is the most recognized international standard for IT management systems. ISO 20000-1 offers best practices for a service management system (SMS) and the 2018 current version includes the design, transition, delivery, and improvement of services to fulfill agreed service requirements.
ISO 20000-1 is perfect for any size company and can be incorporated into existing management systems and processes and is designed to complement other recognized international management system standards like ISO 9001.
What is CMMI Certification?
Developed at Carnegie Mellon University and administered by the CMMI Institute, The Capability Maturity Model Integration is a proven set of global best practices created to address common business challenges and key capabilities. CMMI can be used to guide process improvement for a project, division, or an entire company.
Often mistakenly thought of as a certification, CMMI is not a certification, but an appraisal of an organization based on the organization’s maturity level of its processes.
This standard addresses a wide range of topics, like workforce management, business planning, quality, resilience, and engineering.
CMMI speaks to product and service development, service establishment and management, and product and service acquisition.
ISO 9001
Quality Management System
ISO 27001
Information Security Management System
ISO 20000-1
IT Services Management System
Capability Maturity Model Certification
Every year, the government pours massive funds into contracts with small businesses. When you win contracts such as 8(a) STARS III, Alliant 2, and Polaris, you enter a pool of businesses qualified to receive lucrative task orders from government agencies.
Your chances of winning these contracts depend on your point value. Standards such as CMMI, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, and ISO 20000-1 add significant points to your score. These points often spell the difference between winning or losing a contract.
We can also bundle solutions for ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and CMMC, which may add points to your score or even be a requirement depending on your contract.
Our team stays up-to-date on the latest contracts, such as the upcoming BIC MAC, to bring you the most current contracting knowledge.
Core can help you win these GWACs and more:
- 8(a) STARS II
- 8(a) STARS III
- Alliant 2
- Polaris
Get Certified Fast
We provide the consulting, training, and software to make certification fast and effective. In addition, we provide ISO internal audits and cybersecurity audits to make sure you’re ready for certification.
But we know more than just ISO and Cybersecurity. We know government contracting. We’ll help you understand what the government wants to see from your business and your certifications.